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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a prevalent condition affecting approximately 6 to 8 percent of the population. More than just a childhood concern, ADHD is a lifelong condition requiring ongoing management and support throughout adulthood.

Contrary to common misconceptions, individuals with ADHD are not merely disorganized, forgetful, lazy, or impulsive. These behaviors are symptoms of the underlying condition rather than the root cause.

While people with ADHD may channel their energy constructively, they often struggle to maintain focus for extended periods, particularly in settings requiring sustained attention, such as school or work environments.

Recognizing that ADHD is not a condition one can simply cure or overcome is crucial. Instead, it requires continuous monitoring and management.

Fundamentals of ADHD

ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a condition characterized by excessive energy, difficulty focusing, and challenges in controlling impulsive behaviors.

Typically emerging in childhood, ADHD persists throughout an individual's life. Although some symptoms may become less pronounced in adulthood, they never truly vanish. Instead, they become more manageable with appropriate treatment.

Experts may debate the precise definition of ADHD, but they are unanimous on two points: ADHD is a serious disorder impacting many lives, and it is often misdiagnosed or inadequately treated. 

This is partly because ADHD symptoms can also be present in various other conditions, making accurate diagnosis challenging.

Identifying ADHD Symptoms in Children and Adults

ADHD signs and symptoms are often similar in both children and adults, although they may manifest differently.

  • Impulsivity: Those with ADHD may struggle with patience, such as waiting for their turn during games or conversations.
  • Hyperactivity: Children with ADHD may engage in excessive running, jumping, or climbing at inappropriate times. Both adults and children may fidget, have difficulty sitting still, or talk excessively.
  • Disorganization: ADHD can affect executive functioning, leading to challenges with organization. This may result in messy rooms or lockers for children and disorganized desks or homes for adults.
  • Short attention spans: Those with ADHD may have difficulty maintaining attention, particularly when faced with uninteresting or mundane tasks or activities.
  • Problems with follow-through: Children with ADHD may struggle to complete projects or plans, quickly moving on to something else.
  • Poor listening skills: Both children and adults with ADHD may exhibit poor listening skills, becoming easily distracted during conversations, especially in group settings. They may also struggle with waiting for their turn to speak.

Identifying and Managing ADHD

If you observe potential ADHD symptoms in your child, maintain a record of their behavior to facilitate more informed decision-making regarding possible ADHD diagnosis.

Seeking professional evaluation and treatment is crucial if you suspect ADHD in yourself or your child. Early diagnosis and intervention can significantly improve the quality of life for individuals with ADHD.

ADHD Treatment

At Bristol Health, we understand that effective treatment for ADHD in both adults and children involves a comprehensive approach, including therapy, education, skills training, and medication.

Mental Health Therapy

Various therapeutic techniques can be employed to address ADHD symptoms, helping individuals develop strategies to reduce impulsive behavior, manage emotions, enhance organizational skills, and improve time management abilities.

Common therapeutic approaches for ADHD encompass cognitive behavioral therapy, social skills training, parenting skills training, family therapy, and psychotherapy.


Medications can play a vital role in managing ADHD symptoms. ADHD medications can improve focus and productivity in school or work settings, while certain antidepressants may serve a similar purpose. Additionally, medications can help alleviate restlessness at night, promoting better sleep quality.

Strategies for Success

There are certain strategies you can use to help yourself or your child succeed in daily life.  

  • Establish a structured environment: Create a daily routine with designated times for work, leisure, and meals. For children, set clear expectations for their behavior in various situations.
  • Build a support network: Connect with friends, family members, teachers, and therapists knowledgeable about ADHD to help navigate the condition and provide support.
  • Consistency in treatment: Adhere to a consistent treatment plan, including medication, doctor's recommendations, and daily scheduling.
  • Optimize your environment for concentration: A quiet, distraction-free space can aid you in focusing better and make work or study time more productive.

How to Create an ADHD-Friendly Environment

For those with ADHD, concentrating on tasks can be challenging, making it difficult to study or complete projects. Consider these strategies to optimize your environment:

  • Design a quiet, distraction-free space to help you stay focused on tasks and manage impulsive behaviors when facing difficult projects.
  • Keep a visible to-do list to help you stay on track, including shopping lists, appointments, and other responsibilities.
  • Implement a reward system since it can provide powerful incentives. Set up a reward for completing challenging tasks to stay motivated.

ADHD vs. Depression

ADHD and depression can coexist, and their symptoms may sometimes overlap, leading to misdiagnosis. However, both conditions require appropriate treatment for successful management.

  • ADHD symptoms: Individuals with ADHD may struggle with concentration, impulse control, and task completion.
  • Depression symptoms: Those experiencing depression may exhibit low moods, feelings of hopelessness, low self-esteem, and unwarranted guilt or shame.

Seeking treatment for both conditions is crucial when they occur together. Addressing only one without considering the other may provide short-term relief but will not lead to effective long-term management.

Find Relief from ADHD at Bristol Health

If you or a loved one have ADHD symptoms, getting a diagnosis is essential. With a clear understanding of the condition, devising a treatment plan and managing symptoms becomes more feasible.

At Bristol Health, we offer various treatment options to help you navigate ADHD and improve your quality of life. 

Get in touch with Bristol Health at (801) 903-5903 or request an appointment to learn how we can assist you with ADHD treatment in Utah County. Our compassionate team is here to help you take the first step toward a happier, healthier life. 

1125 W. Center St.
Orem, UT 84057

Fax: (801) 515-0935

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